Most recent events & news


For years and on many expeditions, I struggled with cook stoves, especially in cold climates. Finally I hooked up with SOTO from Japan who make without doubt, the very best outdoor stoves in the World. The first SOTO stove I used, fired up, right out of the box at -40c, on fule also -40 ! Since then I have used and abused SOTO stoves in some crazy places, in temperatures down to -60c, burning all kinds of fuels, all without failure, breakage or problems. These are best and I trust my life to them.


Photographer & Writer Ian Finch visited us in Lapland last year and provides some awesome images from his time with us. Check out this wonderful gallery of this photoshoot and other expeditions Ian has undertaken all over the World.


We also had great fun making this short “pioneering” video with Skyrise Productions from the UK !
Take a look at the awesome video below and the link to our new &Sons wardrobe !!